So I will do a little each day to catch up.
Here is Charlie. We have had him for a a couple months now. He had put on some weight and he is sweeter than ever.

His favorite place to sleep is on the back of the couch. He gets himself so wedged into the cushion that he almost slides down between.

Bob is 1 1/2 years old now. He is growing and we had a fun day on our walk to the park. It was drizzling on this day but Bob doesn't care.

He has a nice big schnooz. I love it. This is a hat I knit. Madeline Tosh DK.
Pattern is by Anne Hanson, Matterhorn hat. I did a few mods to make the brim heaftier.

You can see that it was a cloudy day. It did start to pour on us on our way home.
My house is up by those mountains.

Bob did give me a black eye a few weeks ago. He jumped up as I was bending down.

On another walk to the park it was a warm sunny day. Bob is my walking buddy.

My next post I will update some yarny and knitting things.
Have a great MAY. Felic cinco de mayo!!!
Life seems full of good things!