I am on team Crown Mountain Farms. I have very ambitious plans.
Klaus over at CMF helps all of us team members to have a gift of fiber.
He sent us the fiber of our choice. I wanted a nice blue so he sent me Copenhagen Blue. It is a semi-solid, the fiber is BFL.

The first fiber I am working on is CVM/Romeldale. I love this fiber. Soft and long. I prefer long fibers. The color is called Tramat.

Yes these are my shasta daisies growing in my yard. I love daisies.
So here is a group photo of the fibers and colors that I will be spinning.

I will list the fiber and color going clockwise starting with 11:00 the dark red fiber. That will be #1.
All fiber is from Crown Mountain Farms and is 4 oz.
Here goes.
1. Corriedale Top- Chinon (red)
2. Cormo Top- Annunaki on Tramat (rust, dk green & lt. green)
3. Cormo Top- Secret Garden (browns & greens)
4. South African Top- Celtic Glow (green & lt. brown)
5. Heinz 57- Sumer (green)
6. Jacob Top- Season of the Witch (blacks,green,purple)
7. Debouillet Top- Eternity (purple)
8. Polworth Top- Nirvana (lavender)
9. BFL (blue face leicester)- Copenhagen Blue (blue)
10. Perendale Top- The Fifth Element (orange)
11. CVM/Romedale Top- Tramat (blue green) gift from Klaus for the TDF
Here is my fiber journal entry.

So I have 23 days to spin all this fiber. June 30 to July 22.
Wish me luck.
And always with God in my heart.