Another cool Knitting video. I love it.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Pringle of Scotland Animation by David Shrigley - Life Behind The Scenes
This is so funny. Watch it to the end. Enjoy. Hugs.....
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
I Made a new HEADER
Good Morning,
Yes it is a good morning. The day is cooler today. I am so loving this cool summer. When I say cool I mean high 70's to low 80's. Why can't it be like this every year?
So I made a new header. I went over to Picnik and used my own photo. I like this photo of my handspun Targhee fiber on the swift. Here is how the yarn looks with a wide view on the swift. Oh and for those who are not into knitting, a "swift" is a wooden device that you can use to put a skein of yarn on, You can adjust the diameter of it by sliding the wooden ring under the umbrella up and down and then tightening it. Usually you use a swift to put your skein on and then you find the end of your yarn and wind it into a cake with a ball winder.

I like my new header and then it needed a new background. So now we have grain in green hues.
Here is my question. Why when I am on my Profile Page over on Ravelry, does my website not show my photos? It looks like a WHITE box. It use to show my website in color on my profile page. I waited a day to see if it would show up and it doesn't. I logged out, then today logged in. I'm baffled.

Isn't this yummy yarn? It is Malabrigo Silky Merino. It's color is natural. I love it.
Have a great day and Happy Knitting!!!!!!
Please leave me feedback about the header problem.
Yes it is a good morning. The day is cooler today. I am so loving this cool summer. When I say cool I mean high 70's to low 80's. Why can't it be like this every year?
So I made a new header. I went over to Picnik and used my own photo. I like this photo of my handspun Targhee fiber on the swift. Here is how the yarn looks with a wide view on the swift. Oh and for those who are not into knitting, a "swift" is a wooden device that you can use to put a skein of yarn on, You can adjust the diameter of it by sliding the wooden ring under the umbrella up and down and then tightening it. Usually you use a swift to put your skein on and then you find the end of your yarn and wind it into a cake with a ball winder.

I like my new header and then it needed a new background. So now we have grain in green hues.
Here is my question. Why when I am on my Profile Page over on Ravelry, does my website not show my photos? It looks like a WHITE box. It use to show my website in color on my profile page. I waited a day to see if it would show up and it doesn't. I logged out, then today logged in. I'm baffled.

Isn't this yummy yarn? It is Malabrigo Silky Merino. It's color is natural. I love it.
Have a great day and Happy Knitting!!!!!!
Please leave me feedback about the header problem.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
We Prayed to have Good Days.....
Tonight as we were saying our bedtime prayers, little Peanut prayed that we have good days the rest of the week and no more bad days. It made me sad. I asked Peanut after we prayed why the last 2 days were bad? She said because today everything she touched she dropped. She dropped her lunch on the floor and then she dropped her dinner too. She cleaned it up but it bothered her.
Here Peanut is in her new school clothes. She got the shirt, skinny jeans and shoes. She put together this outfit. We did buy shirts with pink to go with the pants and we got red pants to go with the top. But Peanut has her own sense of style.
That yellow thing sitting in the zucchini plant is my masham fiber for spinning. More on that later.
So the other bad day we had was on Monday. The majority of the day was great. We spent time together going out to lunch and school shopping.
First off we went to the bank. I usually use the ATM for my banking but Monday I needed to go inside. They have these security doors where you open the first door, step through metal detectors and then stand in a little area and wait for the green light to go on so that you can open the second door to enter the bank. I told Peanut that the sign taped on the door said: ONLY ONE PERSON AT A TIME. I asked her if she wanted to go first or second. She said second. Well Peanut has that need to be close and she will panic if she thinks that I am leaving her. So that is why I explained the doors to her. I went in the first door and waited for the green light. It went on and then the heavy door SLOWLY eases close, but before it closes Peanut is tugging on the outside door. I waved my hand to tell her to wait. But she went into panic mode because her door would not open. The doors have magnets in them and the inside door has to be totally closed before the magnets release to let the outside door open. Well release it did and WHAM !!! it flew open and the bottom edge of the door nearly took off Peanuts toenail. She came barreling in and was pushing on the second door. I didn't realize that she was hurt at that minute and I was telling her to wait because the inside door would not open till the outside door was totally closed. Well finally she could come in the bank and her flip flop was all bloody. There was blood on the floor and she was so upset. I was mad at the bank. I had to wait in line because I wanted to tell them what their door did to Peanut. She waited patiently and then I got my turn at the tellers window. I told her what the door did. The teller went to get bandaids and alcohol wipes. I heard her telling her supervisor that that door has metal hanging down on the bottom and other people have been hurt. She also said that it needs to be fixed. Then she told her supervisor that Peanut was bleeding and hurt. The supervisor went and got the bandaids and wipes. She asked Peanut to come and sit down, then she went and got Peanut some candy.
I did my banking and the teller kept telling me that kids can go with an adult into the entry. I said, "the sign says One person at a time", she said, but that means one adult at a time, you can take your kids. I said that is not what your sign says.
So I went to help Peanut clean up all the blood on her foot. She had a cut on the toe and the toenail was broken off into the skin. We put the bandaid on and left. I was mad at them.
So that began my day going bad with personal. We drove to Farmer Boys for lunch. We never go there and I will never go back. Peanut got a hotdog and fries. I ordered a Tuna sandwich. The girl asked me if I wanted fries with that or something else. I said no fries but what is my choice? She said fried zucchini or salad. I said salad. Well the total came to over $12. I added up this in my head and it was more than the menu said. So I questioned the girl. She said it was 60 cents more to change the side. I went back to our table and studied the receipt. It appeared that I was charged for a dinner salad. So then a different lady came to our table with the hotdog. I told her the problem and she said that everything is a la carte. Well I said I didn't know that and the girl made it sound like it was a combo. So they gave me back a dollar twenty-five. I still think I was overcharged.
So that got my goat. On to J.C.Penneys. We did the school shopping there. We found some good deals. There was almost an argument about what clothes to buy from Peanut but before we had left home, I had her write a list of what clothes she needed. We discussed what she had already and that we would not be buying those things.
Well when she went straight for the summer tops I had to walk away. She didn't freak. I think that she could see me. I went to another area to browse and I cooled down. I wanted to have fun buying new clothes. It's suppose to be fun. Last year was not fun.
Well I think she got the hint that I was not going to engage with her unless she stuck to our list. Well she looked at all the racks and then she came over to me with a pretty dress. It was really cute. Orange and white checks. It was kinda summery but she only has one dress that fits now so this was on our list. I guess when I walk away she wants to please me to get back in sync. After that rough beginning everything we looked at was met with smiles and good manners.
We then browsed the shoes and decided to go to Payless because Penney's shoes were not so cool. So off we go to the check out area of Penney's. They have 2 checkout areas, one on each side of the entry to the store. We chose the side with the least amount of people. We waited and waited. There was 2 stands, only one person in front of us at each stand. And I look over to the other side and people are flying out of there. Well I though, I'm next so just stay here, be patient. So the lady who we are waiting to check us out finishes with her customer, and turns and walks away. Just walks away without a look to us or a word. And here the other checker has a customer who has a truck load of clothes to checkout. I couldn't believe it. So I walk over to the other checkout area. I get in that line. Mind you it has been a good 15-20 of waiting. Well I look over and the checker who walked away is back at her station and a man moseys up and she starts checking him out. So I go back over to that side. I get in the line, where I am still the first. The lady with the truck load of clothes is still checking out. So finally she motions for me to come up. I do and she says," I had to go get more register tape". I said, " you should have told me since I had waited a long time." She would not speak another word to me, only to ask if I wanted to use my Penney's charge. I was so mad. How rude. I mean in a grocery store if a checker is going to open a stand they will take the next in line. She knew I had waited there and she could see me in the other line waiting.
So I left. I wanted to complain but I was worn out.
We then went to Payless Shoes. The ladies in there could not have been nicer. I like to compliment clerks and personal when they are very nice because there are just too many who don't care. They are rude and I'm so sick of being waited on people who treat you like crap.
Our Bad Day:
1. Bank, torn up toe
2. Farmer Boys overcharging
3. Penney's rude check out woman.
That night after I got Peanut in bed I just sat here sobbing and wondering why I have felt so angry. I do. It's not just rude people but it's pushy people. I have a friend who is always pushing me to go out or be more serious about him. I am so tired of saying that we are only friends.
Then there was the news last week that my late husband's uncle died. His funeral was Saturday. He was 88 years old. He had a good life. He was a very sweet man.
I don't know why but his death really hit me. I was not close to him. Maybe it is just my sympathy for his wife. Or maybe it is that the family is slowly dying off. I hate being at an age that the generation above me is old and then they die.
I miss them. I miss the big family celebrations together. It's an era coming to an end.
That is part of my anger. I also know that I am tired of being alone. I want to be married again and I just do not have a life style that I meet men. I am a stay at home mom to my granddaughter. I love what I do but it limits me in meeting men.
Maybe I just need to go get a dog? I miss my dog too.
Well that is my rant.
Today I feel a lot calmer. Today I am telling myself to be a blessing to others and to be encouraging to others. Maybe all those clerks would have been better if my energy wasn't negative. The bank ladies were trying very hard to help. I think that they were scared of what I might do. Who knows.
On another note. I did get some spinning done. I will let the photos tell the story.
This is from the Crown Mountain Farms fiber club. Fiber is Targhee.
I got 333 yards, 4 oz. I think it is DK weight.
Here is me winding the plied yarn from the bobbin to the swift. Can you see the meter to measure the yardage? Cool.
I Love this targhee fiber. It is so springy.
Lets ALL PRAY that the rest of this week have GOOD DAYS.
Happy Spinning, and Knititng.
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