I have had 2 son's dominate my garage for a long time with building a motorcycle from the frame up. The project is in Idaho now. It took a long time to get all of their stuff out of my garage. It also took a lot of motivation on my part to tackle this job. Let me show you....

Peanut the little artist. But look beyond her and all that clutter.

And clutter here....my garage is shaped like the letter "d" if it were squared off. Yes a small "d". So this part in the photo is a storage area with my late husbands roll-top desk. Great place for Peanut to do her homework when I am crafting. Notice all the file cabinets. They are the best for storing things and keeping dust out. Two are dedicated just to art supplies. One is for the garden and automotive. One is for camping and sport stuff like bowling balls, mitts & balls. The last one has photo albums with photos all the way back to 1973 when I first got married. Also in that cabinet is a lot of sheets of glass for stain glass making.

I started by turning the workbench sideways. I need to feel air and the breeze from the doors. My son made this work table. He welded it and sprayed it silver, then put wood on top. I really love it.

I bought a really nice Kennedy 7 drawer roller Cabinet . I am putting on the wheels in this photo. It was so hot in the garage but I wanted to get the work done.

Peanut got a smile out of me. How could you not smile at that little girl? Can you see the boxes behind me? They have to go.

So the boxes and stuff is moved and the old old oak table is moved there. Also I did some decorating by putting my old horse collar on the wall. Also a branding iron and some other cowboy stuff and indian stuff. I put a clock there so I will not be late to pick up Peanut from school....mercy me.

See my tool chest? I LOVEEEEEEEE it. Today I put in it a lot of my tools for stain glass, dental tech tools and some painting materials. On the corner of the table is bolted down a heavy duty vise and near the wall is my grinder. You never know when you will need it. Yeah? Do you see under the table I have my compressor and my shop-vac. I want to do all kinds of crafts and jewelry.
Your get a better look at my homemade work table too.

If you look at the very top of this photo you can see a very old saw that I got from Walter, my step dad. He also made the arrowheads and put them on the arrows with feathers. He was very crafty too. He built fireplaces for a living. On the wall is an oil painting of a deer getting a drink in a stream after dark. It was my very first college painting class painting.
And do you see my hay hooks hanging from my garage door opening thing on the ceiling?

Here is the view I will get when I am sitting at my table. If it wasn't so bright you would see the neighbors houses across the street. Ugh. I wish it were the mountains. Anyway, see the side door? Well when you open that you get a very nice cross breeze. Now the question to be asked is, why didn't the builders put one, at least one window on that side of my house? I would not have to use the AC on warm days. But builders don't care about where breezes come from do they? I was wishing I had a window on that wall too. Well the circuit box is on the other side so maybe it can't happen?

Remember this side? It was where Peanut was painting. I tried to elimate most of the boxes but I just don't have a place to put them. I did put a lot of boxes in the area where the roll-top desk is, up on top of the file cabinets. I made it look neat.
My thinking is, I will not ever, never get a storage unit. I think that if I need one then I just have too much junk. It's time to purge and give to someone who needs it. I don't need that much junk. Now if you are moving and don't have your new place yet, I understand having to use a storage facility. But I am in my house and what I did was take about 11 boxes of dishes, books, toys, shoes, clothing and junk to charity. It felt good because I know that there was some good junk in those boxes. There were shoes I had never used, there was a whole set of Wilton cake decorating tips and bags. There were never used candle holders. So it felt good.

One last look of my work space. I want to get a nice chair that is high since my table is high. The stool gets tiresome.
I went to Jo-Anne's and got a nice desk light that lets you see the colors true to life. Also a package arrived today...my steamer. I love using a steamer. We had one in the dental Lab and I use to clean my jewelry or anything that was gunked up. The steamer in the lab was like a $1,500 one and my budget now I could only afford a $40 one but it is cool. I can use it to clean windows too.
I was also able to unpack my handheld grinder. It is a handpiece like the drill that the dentist uses but somewhat bigger. It's for technicians. I bought it about 2 years ago but didn't have a place to use it. You have to be outside or have a vaccume suction to take away the dust from it. Always wear a mask when you grind. I do. And I have my bi-focal safety glasses that I wear too.
I am going to practice my dental lab techniques and then go ask my friend who has a lab if he has cases for me to do at my home. In the past he has needed me to wax up and carve teeth for patients who want a new grill. Then after I carve the teeth I take the plaster model with wax teeth back to my friend's lab and he casts it in porcelain. I could work from home and be here for Peanut. We will see if I can get up to speed. Right now I want to make some jewelry and paint in watercolors. Oh who am I kidding? I want to do it all.

While I was outside Peanut asked if she could photograph the kitties. Sure I said. So here is what she took. (edited down to 4 because she took 13).
This is Coraline. She is having a good nap. Look at those curled up paws. Ahhhh how sweet.

Look at that little face. (everyone together) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Shhhhhh Peanut, don't wake her. She is tired.

OLIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't a girl get a catnap around here?
I'll update ya'll when I get more of my garage studio finished.
Happy Knitting, painting and cuddling your kitties!!!!
P.S. Oliver's boo boo is still red. It is not oozing like before but he won't stop licking. I covered the neck area so he started to lick like an inch below that where there was no problem. Now he is making the hair come out there. My son was telling me not to use the neosporin because it has triple anti bacteria stuff in it and can cause a rash. So I am using something milder. I think it is getting better. Maybe I need a lampshade around his waist? He feels good enough to bug Coraline. Yeah?
Your garage looks great!!!! Wow you have been working really hard. But it will be a wonderful place to work, play, enjoy! Love the pictures. Peanut took great pics of the kitties. (all together now) awwwwwwww!
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