Look at this beautiful day. The school is called Highland Grove Elementary. There use to be orange groves in this area of Highland. This is not where Peanut goes to school. She attends Cram Elementary.

The mountains were so beautiful. The day was warm with a slight breeze. We got a little sunburn. By 4 pm the clouds covered the sky and it looked like rain.

Peanut practiced her kickball moves. She is really good. We had a lot of fun kicking the ball. This was a white ball and she colored it. It is beautiful.

Since there were very few people there Bob was allowed to be free and run till he was too tired to run. We brought his tennis ball and he chased it over and over. What a cute dog.
Peanut put him on the leash in order to get him to go down the slide. He is not fond of the slide. hehehe

If you look real hard you can see Peanut and Bob on the playground.

This day made us happy. We would have loved to spend it with our loved one but everyone was busy. Some of the invites from loved one were too sfar away to go to. My sister had to work on Easter! darn Chevy dealership. Grrrr.
But church was lovely saturday night. We worshiped our Lord and that he rose on the 3rd day. He LIVES!!!!
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