Sunday, July 18, 2010

How does your Garden Grow?

With love and sunshine and God's help....that is how my garden grows..
I'm trying to keep up with the Zucchini so it does grow too big.
There are some yellow tomatoes. They have a lemon taste. And a sweet baby pumpkin. I love how the stem curled around.
Here is the garden.  You can see my new tomato stands. They spiral. I love them.
Although next year I need to place then when the plants are small.

I have 3 more spirals to set in the garden.
Coraline even loves to lick the grass by the tomatoes.
Loads of Roma tomatoes waiting to turn red.
Also a lot of Celebrity tomatoes.  These I could not get into the spiral stand or I would have broken their stems. After these are harvested I will trim these branches off.
Mexican Limes are getting big. There are more little ones coming along too.
I discovered that the tangerine tree has fruit.  This tree was planted 2 years ago and nothing. So I am tickled that we have fruit!!!  I think they ripen in the winter like oranges.
This plant, Verbena, is going to be taken out of the planter. I decided the other day that although I love the color it is ugly.  Look at the left of the photo. That is how this bush looks. Ugh.  I want to replace some of the bushes with fruit trees. Probably dwarf.
Peanut, "Why can't summer last all year?"

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