It hasn't quite seemed like our normal summer around here. We have had clouds and nice breezes. The high temp today is about 88º. Yesterday we had 85º and all last week I think it was in the high 70's. Typical would be triple digits. I am LOVING this cool summer.
Here was our sky in the afternoon (above).
The kids still have fun swimming. The water is about 72º so it is warm enough.

These two cuties are my grandchildren. Peanut and Bry.
Do you see my chairs in the back? Well I was going to trash them but then I saw them online and they want $89 and up for them. I want to paint them. I really love a rich coral color. I hope that won't attract bees since we are all allergic to bees and wasp.
While I was outside I took some pics of my socks in progress:
I will give all the details when I finish. As you can see I am knitting with 2 strands of yarn. Fun fun fun.
Also outside we have veggies. I'm not sure why my cucumber (top) is so bumpy.
There are 2 types of tomatoes and some bell peppers.
We have mini pumpkins too.
Here is the best of my German Queen. A purple tomato. I am watching her closely.
Below: Happy Moment

Peanut, at age 8 1/2 got her ears pierced. She was so happy. She didn't even cry.
Do you think she is happy?

She is tickled Pink. Silly girl.
That is about all happening in our world here.
I hope ya'll are staying cool. Happy Summertime!!!
I love swimming in your pool!!!! Bryan and Peanut are so cute. And your garden is the bomb!! Peanut sure is happy with her earrings. It so cute!!!!!!!!!