Let me give all the credit for the sheep photos and the maps to Crown Mountain Farms
The first month I was in the club was March. The fiber was Shetland. Here is the cute little sheep:
This is where they live. My fiber came directly from the Shetland Islands.
Here is what I did with my Shetland fiber.
The color is called Bannokburn.
I spun it into singles and then I 3 plied it into yarn.
This is so soft and yummy. I knit it into fingerless mitts.
Then in April the next fiber arrived. It was the Wensleydale fiber. Here is the handsome sheep. They have dreads!!
My fiber came directly from the Yorkshire area of England.
I am spinning this long wool into singles. I will probably leave it in singles since it is not a soft next to the skin kind of wool. The long fibers will hold it together as a single too. I got 2 colorways this month. The club colorway called Sunrise Over Kangchenjunga and a red-multi called Chinon that I love. Here is the fiber.

I've began the spinning with the red, Chinon colorway.
My wheel is a Lendrum double treadle. Made in Canada. I love her. Her name is Idellah after my grandma.

The fiber for May is Targhee. This is a sheep from our own USA. They are raised in Montana.
The foundation stock for the Targhee is:
Rambouillet/Corriedale-Lincoln/Rambouilett crosses.
The base of the Targhee is 3/4 Rambouilett fine wool and 1/4 long wool cross.
The color I chose for this fiber is called Lord of the Mountains.
This fiber has 22 microns and a staple length of 4 1/2 inches.
Then there was a MYSTERY FIBER offer for club members. We could order but not knot what fiber or color was going to arrive.
I love it. The fiber is called Polwarth. It is from Argentina.
A superfine long stapled wool - 23 micron count with a staple length
of 5 1/2 inches, so soft and a delight to spin.
The Ideals or Polwarth is a breed in its own rights, established 1880 when an
australian sheep farmer was cross breeding merino rams with lincoln ewes.
3/4 Merino and 1/4 Lincoln = Polwarth
My fiber come direct from Argentina.
Here is my fiber. The color is called Nirvana
I need to get crack-a-lackin' because June's fiber will probably arrive at the end of May.
I'll show you want has me busy and is keeping me from spinning. It is this:
This is my Kenneth McNeil Cardigan. You can see that I have finished the back, the left front & right front, and one sleeve. I am half way done with the second sleeve. Then I will have to do the button bands in seed stitch and around the neck. There is a lot of seaming but I don't mind that.
I am bothered by the skeins having different shades of purple. I did alternate the skeins as I knit. That is a hassel. I am thinking of giving it a dunk in some dye to even out the color. The diamond pattern on the sweater turned out really nice. I like it. It's all done with purls. You knit back and forth on this sweater.
Hahahahahah. I used Coraline to change the subject from knitting to the BFF.
So Peanut tells me that she has a boyfriend. He is her BFF. He holds her hand at school. She is only in 2nd grade and is 8 years old. Oh My Bob!!!
So I told her not to let Mikey kiss her. She said why not? I told her to wait for her wedding day. She said ok.
The next day after school she said that she told Mikey that she can't kiss him cuz her grama told her not to. I guess he agreed.
On Wednesday Peanut said that Mikey didn't go to school. He was sick. Then today, Thursday she told me that Mikey came to school and then at the first recess she waked him to the nurse. The nurse "tempertured" him and it was 100 or more. So Mikey went home.
She likes Mikey. She likes when she can run and the boys will keep up with her.
Mikey gave her an eraser that looks like an iPod. She was tickled. She made him some play dough figures of him and her. I didn't get to see them because she wrapped them up.
Well that is the story of the BFF.
On the diet news. I am working out to the videos called HIP HOP ABS. It is fun. I did my first workout today. I kept up ok. After 22 min. I took a break. The video is 30 min. long. I am doing the diet too.
I had a berry smoothy for breakfast of frozen berries, pineapple, organic vanilla soy milk and some protein powder for women.
For lunch I had salad and carrots and a taco.
Ok, tacos are not on the menu but it was leftover.
For dinner I made baked salmon, broccoli and sweet potato fries.
The fries are not on the menu either but I made them for Alexis. Turns out she says she hates them. I ate about 3. I guess the dog and pepper chicken will get them tonight.
I'm tired. I'm still fighting this cold. I have the headache from Hades.
I drank ZERO coffee and maybe that started the headache.
I will say goodnight blog.
Sleep tight.
Wow your a busy girl!!! Are you my BFF? That's so cute. She loves taking care of someone when they don't feel to well. She should become a nurse! The yarn is so cool and your sweater is going to be beautiful. I had the headache from Hellacopter today too. I thought I would have the day off. But they called me in. Booooo!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the diet. Maybe I could workout with you! Hip Hop sounds fun!
Love ya