Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Chicken Bath.......

I'm really tired today. This morning at 5:40 am the alarm went off in Peanuts room. I went to see what's up and she said that she changed it so that she could get up to make her lunch.  I turned it off and told her to go back to sleep. 
Well that didn't help me. I couldn't sleep after that. The cats were awake and playing all over the house.  So I feel tired and grumpy.  Peanut got home from school all grumpy too.  We need to go to bed early tonight.  I wish I could put a lock on the settings of her alarm clock because this is about the 3rd time she has changed the settings.

Well on a more interesting subject I have a few photos of the Chicken Bath.  Yesterday we were outside and Peanut was playing in the pool. It has been warm here.  Then she decided that Pepper hen needed a bath.

Here is the chase.....

Pepper gets her drumsticks wet
Peanut seems to enjoy the bath more than Pepper hen.

                                    The Escape

Pepper checking out the drippy feathers

                                      "So now what is there to do Grandma?"

While all this bathing stuff was going on I was planting the garden.  

This is DAY #1 of the seedlings being outside. The bigger plants on the right are pumpkins that came up wild outside.  I'm not sure that they will make the transplanting.
I plan to go to Home Depot and buy some larger vegetables for the garden. And soon another planter box will join this one.  

Knitting is coming along fine. The cardigan sleeve isn't growing because I am enjoying knitting the Winnie  sock so much. I am almost done with the leg on sock #1.  Photos soon.

Have a great evening.  Luv ya

1 comment:

  1. Cute Cute Cute. I didn't know chicken's liked water?? Alexis is getting such long legs!! Your garden looks cool.
