March 18, 2009
Here is the BFL that I spun. This is my first handspun ever. I am new to spinning. I started this fiber on a Kundert drop spindle. But I am not a drop spindle kind of girl. So I ordered a Lendrum DT complete. I waited months and then in December it arrived. My granddaughter spun on the wheel first while I was drafting for her.
Then I plied hers for her when she was at school. And I knit her a hat.
Then it was my turn at the wheel and it took a while. I was doing some knitting projects for Christmas 2008 so finally in Feb.09 I finished my spinning and March 09 finished plying.
The fiber is from Crown Mountain Farms.
Hand Dyed Blue Face Leicester.
8 ounces.
colorway: Mother Earth.
Yardage spun: 223.9 yards.

Here is the roving. I had divided it in half, then in half, over and over till I got this. I think the drafting a big hunk of fiber is beyond me being so new. I found that if I divided it to a small size then I could draft and spin. It also preserved the colors better. When I tried to spin with a big hunk of roving it was mixing the colors and making this green and brown turn to MUD.

I love how my yarn turned out. I have 223 yards so I either want to make mitts or a hat? What do you think would look good with this handspun yarn?
Here are the pics of my granddaughters spinning. I love how well she did. She is 7 years old.

This is Blue Face Leicester fiber from an etsy store.

Here she is practicing with some fiber before spinning her rainbow BFL.

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