July 1, 2008
My first ever knitted hat is done. I had no pattern, just made it up as I knit. I had a photo of the pattern of the cubes but then on the top I just made up the pattern myself. I put a crocheted ball on top. Basically I had to draw out my pattern on graph paper. This is more of intarsia knitting than stranded.
It took me 3 days knitting a few hours each day. In that time was designing the pattern.
This was designed by looking at a pattern by Pippa. She is a friend of my daughter Sierra's friend A. or Monkeyspinner. My daughter died last year of a gunshot to her head. Police say it was an accident.
I have Sierra's daughter Peanut with me. My granddaughter. This hat is for her.
I asked A. if I could use the design by Pippa and she wrote me that it was ok. Here is what she said (so sweet):
I am indeed very honored. I don't think Pippa would be at all offended. I hope that the hat turns out great. I am impressed how you took knitting into part of your life. People use knitting as a very healing art, creating gifts from love, from their time to keep their loved ones warm and safe. Whether it is waiting with someone while they are sick in the hospital, or warm and safe in their own bed.At the same time, finding a sense of inner peace with themselves. Create the hat, keep Peanut warm and know your happy. I am honored to be a continuous part of Peanut's life even from the outside~ lots of love Autumn

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