February 14, 2009

I haven't written in a while. Today was Valentines Day so Peanut and I headed up to "The Ranch". At least it use to be my chicken ranch. Now my son and his wife are buying it and building a house on it. The chickens are gone and the chicken buildings are taken down. My kids have put up corals, and a small chicken coop for their pretty barred Rock hens and some brown hens.
They had 2 horses but as of today they have one. She is a sweet horse that Anne (my daughter in law) is training for riding. Anne has a gift with horses.
It snowed at The Ranch yesterday and last week up to 2 feet. Can you believe it? Snow in So. California? But they are nestled in the foothills there and it gets cold. So today was sunny and the snow had melted. There was mud everywhere. Peanut was having so much fun playing but she was a mud ball. My 2 grandsons aka her cousins were there.
There is a new addition to the family. Yesterday Roland and Anne brought home 2 Barbado sheep. She called them Hair Sheep. They do not have the kind of hair that you would shear. They have hair like a goat. But they are sheep. I heard Virgil Baa. Yes, they are boys and their names are Virgil and Wyatt. They are only 2 weeks old right now. Since they are boys they will get horns that curl around. They will get big like a regular sheep.
They are being bottle fed so that they will be super tame. Virgil and Wyatt (Earp) will be pets. They won't be for meat. So that is why the will be hand fed and cuddled.
Here are the pictures of these cute little boys with their new parents, (my kids) Anne & Roland:

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